Saturday, September 25, 2010

Funny Kiddos

Eli chasing Ella at Oleson Park in Fort Dodge.

Eli with his "permanent" bump on his head.

Ella saying "cheese".

The three best friends

I thought I should post some more recent photos of our children. They are growing so fast. Lilly is 4 and is in preschool 5 days a week at Butler Elementary and is trying to figure out how to read and spell words. Ella is about 18 months old and is talking up a storm, she is our sneaky little one...always trying to get into something especially when we say no. Eli is about 18 months old and is talking up a storm as well, he loves to climb on anything and he is a pretty good listener even when we say no! I feel safe to say that we are thinking things in a household of 5 are getting "easier" (to me the laundry and dishes are the biggest challenge). We are so glad that we are done with making 2 bottles every 4-6 hours, the 2 diapers at each changing are even a little less, and Ella and Eli are able to walk and that makes it "easier" to transport to the car or into the store. I use the term "easier" fairly light because as you may know that walking can present other challenges like wanting to run away or trying to sneak up or down the stairs and with two toddlers that can be quite interesting.

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