Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where did the year go?

I think life with 3 children makes time fly by so fast. Since the last posting all three kids have had tubes put in ears and Lilly has had her tonsils out. The winter did seem to be ear infections, or tonsilitis. (Knock on wood!)

I told myself that I need to do better at blogging. I really want this to be something that I can keep for our family and something for our children to look at as they grow up.

Anyways, many things have happened in this year. Lilly finished Preschool and can not wait to go to Kindergarten next week. We went to visit her teacher, Mrs. Winter, at Feelhaver today. We had a great time checking out her classroom, finding her spot at the table, looking in her locker, and visiting with Mrs. Winter. She is so nice and will do a great job with Lilly. I want time to s-l-o-w down...I know how fast school years go. She loves to read books, sing songs (some she has made up), do "activities" (she creates anything trying to use every bit of craft supplies we may have), play outside, help around the house, keep her brother and sister entertained, etc. She is an absolute joy, most of the time. She definitely has a mind of her own, she knows what she wants and can express that very clearly. I love watching her grow up. She is becoming more and more independent every day. In some ways it is nice but in other ways it makes me sad. I can not wait to see the progress she is going to make as a Kindergartener.

Ella is the "typical" 2 year old! She is SO cute and I think she knows it...haha! She can also be VERY sneaky...when she is quiet we know we better see what she is up to. She is our little monkey that is a risk taker. She does not seem to be afraid of anything. She tries to climb up, over, on top of anything! She makes us very nervous. She is talking so much now. I love that she is able to express her feelings instead of being "velociraptor". She loves to count to 10 (most of the time it is to 7, 8, 9, back to 7). She also loves to sing songs, her favorite is "Jesus mommy this I know" (Jesus Loves Me This I Know...) Her favorite toys are babies, babies, and more babies. Now we are awaiting her to give up her "paci" at bedtime, stay in her own big girl bed, and get potty trained.

Eli is a sweet, curious 2 year old! He loves to learn new things. He watches and absorbs everything Lilly says and does. He looks up to his big is so sweet! He is more of an observer...he likes to step back and watch his older sister and twin sister touch bugs, pet goats, hold toads, etc. (like his mommy)! The other day he wanted to watch Brainsurge (a kid game show on Nickelodeon). I didn't know that he knew what that was. His favorite toys are Buzz Lightyear, cars, trucks, Woody, and balls. Eli gave up his "paci" on his own by throwing in the garbage, by choice. He is learning to use the "potty" and he sleeps very well in his big boy bed!

Well...there was a quick update. I will post some recent pictures as well. My goal is to stay on top of the JOHNSON PARTY OF FIVE HAPPENINGS! :)