Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh my goodness...

it has been way too long since I have posted. We are crazy busy!! Everyone always said you are going to be so busy and you will barely remember the first year with twins. Chris and I thought "Oh it can't be that much more difficult!" Well...guess what- we are eating our own words because life is difficult but very rewarding and fulfilling at the same time. We have been so blessed with the most amazing children and love the new things they learn and do everyday. The past few months have been so busy and stressful that I think new things have been happening without me being able to reflect on and take it all in with excitement.

Those of you that I haven't spoken with in a while, or rely on this blog to read about the Johnson Party of Five news, may not know that IT all started the day before Thanksgiving. (The IT is flu, ear infections, allergic reaction to medicine, more ear infections, pneumoina, hospital stay, bronchitis, more ear infections, high blood platelet count.) I am hoping that our family, especially the kids, are over the hump of the yucky, blucky sicknesses. We really appreciate all the kind words and thoughts and prayers that have been sent our way to get through this tiring time. I realize that other people have gone through or are going through more difficult and serious things so we are truly blessed that in the grand scheme of things that we are a "healthy" family.

So here is a quick lowdown of what our kiddos are the last post I am hoping to post more recent pictures on here soon!!

Lilly- is talking about preschool everyday. She can NOT wait to go in the fall. She has been practicing listening better, cleaning up after herself, going into the bathroom on her own, and many more "preschool" type things. She amazes us everyday with the creative ideas and stories she comes up with. We still think she is our little "genius." She is so interested in learning, doing projects, reading, and writing. She still loves to sing, dance, and perform.

Ella- is babbling up a storm, we even think she said "daddy" the other day. She loves to make a loud yelling noise so we don't forget she is in the room. She just learned how to sit up from lying down (and is so proud when she does it), she is working so hard at crawling, she pulls herself up on her knees while in her crib. Lately, she has been falling asleep in her crib while sitting up. :) She loves to eat baby food and some finger foods that we have been bravely trying. She loves to dance and listen to music. She is still our little peanut weighing in at 14 pounds.

Eli- is a little boy on a mission. He loves to crawl everywhere. He loves to chew on everything. We are thankful that one of the twins is a go-getter, otherwise I think we would be more exhausted! He too, loves food (although the bottle is his favorite form of eating.) He enjoys watching, playing, and following big sis Lilly all around. He likes to give hugs in the morning when he first gets up. When he is hungry, tired, or not feeling well you will definitely know. He has been saying "hi dad", "mama", "o-duh" (All done), "mo" (more). He tries to copy anything we do with our hands or face...he is so funny and has the biggest smile with dimples on each cheek! Eli is weighing in at 19 pounds!

I hope this blog finds all of our friends and family healthy and happy! Hopefully it won't take me so long to check in!!

Till next time- enjoy the pictures I will post in a few days.

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