I can hardly believe it...Lilly is 3 years old. Where does the time go?? It seems like yesterday when we were so thrilled to be expecting our first child...she was well worth the wait of 4 years!!
Lilly is most the amazing little girl!
Lilly loves to talk, talk , talk!! She also loves to play outside, dance, sing, read books, kiss her brother and sister, cook with mom, wash dishes, take baths and showers, paint, color, cut, paste, problem solve, play instruments, shop, and many other things. She pretty much likes to do anything.
Lilly understands and does things that keep us thinking she is a genius! :) She speaks clearly and uses complete sentences. She recites parts of movies, books, and songs. She can recognize all the uppercase letters except Q, she knows her colors, shapes, counting, and can recognize a few numbers. Tonight we learned that she knows what a question mark is...she made one with her spaghetti noodle.
Lilly gets frustrated easily but is getting better at managing her frustration. She uses great manners like please, thank you, your welcome, excuse me (although she says it over and over when interrupting conversation...so funny.)
Lilly is so excited to attend her first "storytime" at the public library, play in her sandbox, do Little Nemos swimming lessons, swim in the backyard, blow bubbles, ride her bike, and run through her sprinkler this summer.
I just can't imagine all the things she will be doing in another year...we are so proud of our little girl!